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Quite a long time ago a friend loaned me an antique hymnal; I wanted to scan it into my computer. Then I got busy with the Springfield Fragfest, a website I started at the suggestion of someone online when the game Quake was popular. That site subsequently became very well known.
Years, a divorce, bankruptcy, and four physical moves later the old hymnal turned up and I finally scanned it. It was missing a dozen or so pages, so I thought I’d search the internet for a copy I could just download. It should be there as old as it is; its copyright was expired before the twentieth century arrived. Google led me to Amazon, who had one for twenty five bucks. Really cheap for a hundred fifty year old book; they must have printed tons of them. I bought it and finished scanning it.
With almost two hundred scans, one at a time, with subsequent contrast and brightness adjustments, rotating and straightening, and resizing, it took quite a long time and not a little work. Then I made as many web pages as I had images, plus another for an index. I still have cleanup to do (one scan contained a mite) and contrast adjustments for all of the images. Some of the web pages are being adjusted as well.
I posted it here at, but it is unindexed; it’s semi-private until it’s finished, but I thought you folks might want a look.
Like I said, it’s unfinished.
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