Stupid, or evil?

Hanlon's Razor, attributed to Robert J. Hanlon of Scranton, Pennsylvania and later included in a book about Murphey's Law, reads "Never attribute to malice that which is adequately explained by stupidity."
Never? An older "razor" says "never say never."
My razor says "never attribute to stupidity that which can be explained by greedy self-interest".
I bring this up over the mainstream Media's talking about the arrest of the school shooter's dad being because he was the kid's dad, repeatedly, despite always being immediately told by a prosecutor or judge that it has nothing to do with parenting.
The rich people who own almost all media have good reason to have a populace afraid of their government: the government is an impediment to their evil goal of owning everything. Over the last fifty years they have gotten so they own nearly everything, including America's elected officials, who fear the populace (or rather, their votes).
The fact is that if a gun you own is used in a holdup, you should be charged with armed robbery along with the robber unless you have reported the gun stolen.
That kid's dad was an accessory to murder. If you walk into a liquor store with your brother, and he shoots the cashier and you run away, if they catch him, you're almost certainly going to jail, too, even if you had no idea he was going to do that.
The mainstream media shouldn't be ignored; they don't actually lie (well, most of them don't), but they slant the news. The days of Walter Cronkite and honest reporting are long gone. Now we only have "infotainment", not news. The "culture war" was cooked up by the rich man's media to keep working people at each other's throats so we won't realize they have waged a class war for half a century, and their thirty year long culture war has kept you from noticing.
Really, why should I care if you're queer? I have my own sins to repent, I won't go to hell for yours. People say "I don't want it shoved in my face" without questioning who it is who's shoving it, The media. Especially television.
Now the rich are fighting diversity. If the diverse ninety nine percent can get along, the one percent lose.




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